Desfrute de um som poderoso, pleno de energia, que vai aproximá-lo da sua essência e das suas forças mais profundas.
Tenha em casa a vibração transformadora e ancestral, que vibra desde tempos imemoriais.
Sankalpa is a Sanskrit word. This language is already extinct. This word means intention on action or intention on doing something. "Its the seed that fertilises every action." PROF. LUIS LOPES (President of the North Yôga Federation of Portugal.
Sankalpa is the project's name because they are four DeRose Method instructors who show one of the most beautiful techniques of self-development and self-knowledge through their unique and singular show, the MANTRA. Mantras are sound and ultrasound vocalizations which emerged about 5000 years ago, in India. Those vocalizations were extremely powerful and they acted directly on the whole human body: physical, energetic, emotional and mental. They work by it's constant use.
All efforts of SanKalpa are in order to keep these millenarian vocalizations as they were, but improve them with musical knowledge of the four members.